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Methodologies Index


Methodologies Index

Methodologies Index - 27.07.2024

Financial Institutions (6)

Publish NamePublish Dade
Investment Companies30.06.2024
Credit Insurance Companies07.06.2023
Life, Health, P&C Insurance companies25.05.2022
Finance Companies05.09.2021
Credit Card Companies24.12.2018

Request For Comments (88)

Publish NamePublish Dade
Investment Companies- Results30.06.2024
Investment Companies- closed30.06.2024
Project Finance Rating- results15.02.2024
Project Finance Rating-closed15.02.2024
Investment Manager Quality Assessments of Asset Managers-results02.01.2024
Investment Manager Quality Assessments of Asset Managers-closed27.12.2023
Income producing Real Estate Companies -results22.11.2023
Income producing Real Estate Companies- Request for comments - closed22.11.2023
Auto lease and rental companies-results08.06.2023
Results -Credit Insurers Methodology07.06.2023
Closed- Credit Insurers Methodology 07.06.2023
Retail Companies - Request for Comments - Results11.05.2023
Retail Companies- Request for Comments -Closed11.05.2023
Auto lease and rental companies-closed10.05.2023
Power Producers - Result17.01.2023
Power Producers - closed17.01.2023
Non-financial Corporate Rating- Request for Comments- Result29.12.2022
Non-financial Corporate Rating- Request for Comments- closed11.12.2022
.Life, Health and Property and Casualty Insurance – Request for Comments - Closed11.05.2022
Life, Health and Property and Casualty Insurance- Request for Comments -Results11.05.2022
Guidelines for Reviewing Environmental, Social and Governance Risks in Credit Ratings-Results - 14.02.2022
Guidelines for Reviewing Environmental, Social and Governance Risks in Credit Ratings-closed - 29.12.2021
Finance Companies-Request for Comments -Results05.09.2021
Finance Companies-Request for Comments -closed05.09.2021
Auto Loan-and Lease-Backed Securitizations-closed30.05.2021
Auto Loan-and Lease-Backed Securitizations-results30.05.2021
Industrial Manufacturing Companies- Request for Comments - Results11.03.2021
Industrial Manufacturing Companies- Request for Comments – Closed11.03.2021
Rating Defaulted Issues and Issuers and Impaired Debt-results20.01.2021
Rating Defaulted Issues and Issuers and Impaired Debt-closed20.01.2021
Rating Defaulted Issues and Issuers and Impaired Debt- results20.01.2021
Rating Defaulted Issues and Issuers and Impaired Debt- closed20.01.2021
Holding Companies - Request for Comments - Results17.01.2021
Holding Companies - Request for Comments - closed11.01.2021
Deposit Notes Rating – Request for Comments – Results 18.10.2020
Deposit Notes Rating – Request for Comments – Closed 18.10.2020
.Homebuilding Companies – Request for Comments – Results14.05.2020
Financial Statements Adjustments and Presentation of Main Financial Measures in Rating – Request for Comments - Results14.05.2020
Financial Statements Adjustments and Presentation of Main Financial Measures in Rating – Request for Comments - Closed14.05.2020
Regulated Electric, Oil and Gas Networks - Request for Comments – Results14.05.2020
Homebuilding Companies – Request for Comments – Closed14.05.2020
Regulated Electric, Oil and Gas Networks - Request for Comments – Closed14.05.2020
Corporate finance Subordinated debts, hybrid debts and preferred stocks Rating -Request for Comments- Results18.12.2019
Corporate Finance Subordinated debts, hybrid debts and preferred stocks Rating Request for Comments - Closed18.12.2019
Short-term ratings -Request for Comments- Results16.12.2019
Short-term ratings - Request for Comments -Closed15.12.2019
Retail Companies - Request for Comments - Results19.11.2019
Retail Companies- Request for Comments -Closed17.10.2019
Banks – Request for Comments – Results24.09.2019
Banks – Request for Comments – Closed24.09.2019
Structural Considerations in Corporate Financial Instruments Ratings - Request for Comments -Closed22.09.2019
Structural Considerations in Corporate Financial Instruments Ratings - Request for Comments - Results22.09.2019
Non-financial Corporate Rating- Request for Comments- Result19.09.2019
Non - financial Corporate Rating - Request for Comments - Closed-24.07.2019
Structural Considerations in Corporate Financial Instruments Ratings - Request for Comments -Closed11.06.2019
Banks - Request for Comments- Results19.03.2019
Consumer Loans-Backed ABS -Request for Comments - Results26.02.2019
Banks – Request for Comments – Closed12.02.2019
Income Producing Real Estate Companies- Request for comments - Results23.01.2019
Consumer Loans-Backed ABS- Request for Comments - Closed09.01.2019
Credit card companies - Request for comments - Result24.12.2018
Credit Card Companies - Request for Comments -Closed24.12.2018
Corporate finance Subordinated debts, hybrid debts and preferred stocks Rating -Request for Comments- Results14.08.2018
Municipal Ratings-Request for Comments - Results05.07.2018
Government Related Issue -Request for Comments -Results05.07.2018
Credit card companies - Request for comments - Result20.06.2018
Municipal Ratings-Request for Comments - Closed21.05.2018
Govermment Related Issuer- Request for coments -Closed21.05.2018
Credit Card Companies - Request for comments - Closed16.05.2018
Deposit Notes – Request for Comments – Result10.05.2018
Deposit Notes Ratins - Request for Comments - Closed20.03.2018
Power Projects Finance - Request for Comments - Results20.02.2018
Rating construction and operation of project finance and infrastructure-Closed20.02.2018
Rating construction and operation of project finance and infrastructure-Results20.02.2018
Power Projects Finance -Request for Comments- Closed20.02.2018
Deposit Notes Ratings - Request for Comments - Results23.01.2018
Govermment Related Issuer- Request for coments -Closed23.11.2017
Municipal Ratings-Request for Comments - Results23.11.2017
Banks-Request for Comments – Result23.11.2017
Government Related Issue -Request for Comments -Results23.11.2017
Municipal Ratings-Request for Comments - Closed23.11.2017
Holding Companies -Request for Comments – Results07.11.2017
Holding Companies - Request for Comments - Closed24.09.2017
Structural Considerations in Corporate Financial Instruments Ratings -Request for comments-Results10.09.2017
Rating Defaulted Issues and Issuers and Impaired - Request for Comments - Results05.09.2017
Rating Defaulted Issues and Issuers and Impaired Debt - Request for Comments - Closed05.09.2017
Structural Considerations in Corporate Financial Instruments Ratings - Request for Comments -Closed22.08.2017
Life, Health and Property and Casualty Insurance – Request for Comments - Closed20.06.2016

Copyright © All rights reserved to Midroog Ltd. (hereinafter: “Midroog”). CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MIDROOG ARE MIDROOG’S SUBJECTIVE OPINIONS ABOUT THE RELATIVE FUTURE CREDIT RISK OF ENTITIES, CREDIT OBLIGATIONS, DEBTS AND/OR DEBT-LIKE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, WHICH APPLY ON THE DATE OF THEIR PUBLICATION OR OTHER MEANS OF PROVISION, AND AS LONG AS MIDROOG HAS NOT CHANGED THE RATING OR WITHDRAWN IT AND MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND INFORMATION PUBLISHED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE BY MIDROOG (COLLECTVELY, “MATERIALS”) MAY INCLUDE SUCH OPINIONS. MIDROOG DEFINES CREDIT RISK AS THE RISK THAT AN ENTITY MAY NOT MEET ITS CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS AS THEY COME DUE AND ANY ESTIMATED FINANCIAL LOSS IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT OR IMPAIRMENT. MIDROOG'S CREDIT RATINGS DO NOT ADDRESS ANY OTHER RISK, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RISKS RELATING TO LIQUIDITY, MARKET VALUE, CHANGE IN INTEREST RATES, PRICE VOLATILITY, OR ANY OTHER NON-CREDIT RISK ELEMENT THAT INFLUENCES THE CAPITAL MARKETS. CREDIT RATINGS, NON-CREDIT ASSESSMENTS (“ASSESSMENTS”), AND OTHER OPINIONS INCLUDED IN MIDROOG’S MATERIALS ARE NOT STATEMENTS OF CURRENT OR HISTORICAL FACT. MIDROOG’S MATERIALS MAY ALSO INCLUDE QUANTITATIVE MODEL-BASED ESTIMATES OF CREDIT RISK, AS WELL AS RELATED OPINIONS OR COMMENTARY. MIDROOG’S CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND MATERIALS DO NOT CONSTITUTE OR PROVIDE INVESTMENT OR FINANCIAL ADVICE, AND MIDROOG’S CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND MATERIALS ARE NOT AND DO NOT PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO PURCHASE, SELL, OR HOLD PARTICULAR SECURITIES. MIDROOG’S CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND MATERIALS DO NOT COMMENT ON THE SUITABILITY OF AN INVESTMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR INVESTOR. MIDROOG ISSUES ITS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLISHES OR OTHERWISE PROVIDES ITS MATERIALS WITH THE EXPECTATION AND UNDERSTANDING THAT EACH INVESTOR WILL, WITH DUE CARE, MAKE ITS OWN STUDY AND EVALUATION OF EACH SECURITY THAT IS UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR PURCHASE, HOLDING, OR SALE. EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE IN RESPECT TO THEIR INVESTMENTS, TO THE APPLICABLE LAW, AND/OR TO ANY OTHER PROFESSIONAL ISSUE. MIDROOG’S CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS, AND MATERIALS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY RETAIL INVESTORS, AND IT WOULD BE RECKLESS AND INAPPROPRIATE FOR RETAIL INVESTORS TO USE MIDROOG’S CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS OR MATERIALS WHEN MAKING AN INVESTMENT DECISION. IF IN DOUBT YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR FINANCIAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPYRIGHT LAW AND BY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW. NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED, OR OTHERWISE SCANNED, AMENDED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED, DUPLICATED, DISPLAYED, TRANSLATED, RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON, WITHOUT ADVANCE WRITTEN CONSENT FROM MIDROOG. Midroog makes use of rating scales to issue its opinions, according to definitions detailed in the scale itself. The choice of a symbol to reflect Midroog’s opinion with respect to credit risk reflects solely a relative assessment of that risk. Midroog’s credit ratings are not issued on a global scale – they are opinions of the creditworthiness of issuers and their financial obligations relative to that of other issuers and financial obligations within Israel. MIDROOG CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND MATERIALS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY ANY PERSON AS A BENCHMARK AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED FOR REGULATORY PURPOSES AND MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY THAT COULD RESULT IN THEM BEING CONSIDERED A BENCHMARK.   NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY RATING, ASSESSMENT, OTHER OPINION OR INFORMATION IS GIVEN OR MADE BY MIDROOG IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER. All the information contained in Midroog Ratings, Assessments, other opinions and Materials (hereinafter: "the Information") is obtained by Midroog from sources believed by it to be accurate and credible. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error as well as other factors, however, all information contained herein is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind. Midroog is not responsible for the accuracy of the Information. Midroog exercises reasonable means so that the information it uses in assigning a credit rating is of sufficient quality and that it originates from sources Midroog considers to be credible, including information received from independent third parties, if and when appropriate. However, Midroog is not an auditor and cannot in every instance independently verify or validate information received in the credit rating process or in preparing its Materials. The provisions of any Midroog Materials other than one expressly stated as a methodology do not constitute part of any Midroog methodology.   To the extent permitted by law, Midroog and its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors and suppliers disclaim liability to any person or entity for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental losses or damages whatsoever arising from or in connection with the information contained herein or the use of or inability to use any such information, even if Midroog or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors or suppliers is advised in advance of the possibility of such losses or damages, including but not limited to: (a) any loss of present or prospective profits or (b) any loss or damage arising where the relevant financial instrument is not the subject of a particular credit rating assigned by Midroog. To the extent permitted by law, Midroog and its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors and suppliers disclaim liability for any direct or compensatory losses or damages caused to any person or entity, including but not limited to by any negligence (but excluding fraud, willful misconduct or any other type of liability that, for the avoidance of doubt, by law cannot be excluded) on the part of, or any contingency within or beyond the control of, Midroog or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, licensors or suppliers, arising from or in connection with the information contained herein or the use of or inability to use any such information. Midroog maintains policies and procedures in respect to the independence of the rating and the rating processes. A rating, assessment or opinion issued by Midroog may change as a result of changes in the information on which it was based and/or as a result of new information and/or for any other reason. When applicable, updates and/or changes in ratings are presented on Midroog’s website at

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