Professional Information
Professional Information
Rating Performance in Structured Finance – Summary of 2017 and Aggregated
The objective of this report is to present the performance of Midroog’s ratings in structured finance in 2017 and cumulatively since beginning its activity as a rating company. The report includes the rate of rating transitions (transition matrixes) at the annual basis and cumulative on an annual basis, the change in the distribution of ratings and the rating outlooks, as well as the events of default/impaired debt1 in the series that Midroog rates
downloadRating Performance of Project Finance – Summary of 2017 and Aggregated
The objective of this report is to present the performance of Midroog’s ratings in project finance in 2017 and cumulatively since the beginning of its activity as a rating company. The report includes the rate of transitions (transition matrixes) at the annual basis and cumulative on an annual basis, the change in the distribution of ratings and rating outlook
downloadRating Performance of Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions – Summary of 2017 and Aggregated
The objective of this report is to present Midroog’s rating performance in 2017 and cumulatively since it began to operate as a rating company. The report includes the rate of transitions (transition matrixes) on an annual basis and cumulative on an annual basis, change in the distribution of ratings and in rating outlook, as well as the defaults by issuers rated by Midroog.
downloadRating Performance of Project Finance – Summary of 2016 and Aggregated Special Report
The objective of this report is to present Midroog’s rating performance in Project Financein in 2016
downloadRating Performance in Structured Finance – Summary of 2016 and Aggregated Special Report
The objective of this report is to present the performance of Midroog’s rating in the structured finance in 2016
downloadRating Performance of Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions – Summary of 2016 and Aggregated Special Report
The objective of this report is to present Midroog’s rating performance in Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions in 2016
downloadSolvency 2 – Economic Capital – Is it?
After much anticipation, and fashionably late versus other regulation in the banking system (the “Basel” directives), in early 2016 the European Union launched the Solvency II directive, that has been promoted and developed by the European regulator (EIPOA) with the purpose of ensuring the stability of insurance companies, enhancing risk management, and supporting an efficient and flexible market.
downloadRating Performance of Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions - Summary of 2015 and Aggregated Special Report
The purpose of this report is to present the performance of ratings by Midroog, in 2015 and in total since the company began to issue ratings. The report encompasses the rate of rating transitions (transition matrices) at the annual level and cumulative annual level, change in the distribution of ratings and rating outlook, and defaults among the issuers that Midroog rates.
downloadRating Performance of Project Finance- Summary of 2015 and Aggregated Special Report
The purpose of this report is to present the performance of project finance ratings by Midroog, in 2015 and in total since the company began to issue ratings. The report encompasses the rate of rating transitions (transition matrices) at the annual level and cumulative level, and change in the distribution of ratings and rating outlook.